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Hidde Ottens

October 23, 2023

Why LinkedIn is Bad

LinkedIn used to be a professional networking platform. Its quality has recently dwindled due to people incessantly showcasing their achievements and projecting an over-the-top version of themselves

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Why LinkedIn is Bad

LinkedIn, once primarily regarded as a professional networking platform, has transformed into a virtual space where individuals incessantly showcase their achievements and project an idealized version of their professional personas. What was initially intended to foster genuine professional connections has evolved into a breeding ground for self-promotion, often fostering inauthentic behavior. As the platform continues to grow in popularity, the emergence of what has been termed "LinkedIn culture" has drawn considerable criticism. Let's delve into the reasons behind the cringe-worthy reputation that LinkedIn has garnered.

Introduction: Understanding the Popularization of LinkedIn

From its inception as a networking tool for professionals, LinkedIn has gained immense popularity, with millions of users leveraging it for career advancement, job searches, and business networking. Its user-friendly interface, extensive job listings, and the ability to connect with industry leaders have contributed to its widespread adoption.

The Rise of "LinkedIn Culture": What it Entails and Why It's Criticized

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Weekends are for the Week

The phrase "LinkedIn culture" encapsulates the prevalent trends and behaviors observed on the platform, highlighting the focus on self-promotion, personal branding, and performative networking. While some individuals use it as a genuine means to network and foster professional relationships, others engage in practices that prioritize image cultivation over meaningful interactions.

Overemphasis on Personal Branding: Its Impact on Authenticity

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One of the core elements contributing to the cringe factor on LinkedIn is the excessive emphasis placed on personal branding. Users often meticulously curate their profiles to project a flawless image, often at the expense of authenticity. The pressure to adhere to a certain professional image can lead to the creation of sanitized and artificial online personas.

The Prevalence of Performative Networking: How it Affects Genuine Connections

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LinkedIn's news feed is often flooded with exaggerated success stories, humble brags, and insincere congratulatory messages, fostering an environment of performative networking. This culture of superficial interactions undermines the potential for genuine and meaningful connections, as individuals prioritize showcasing their accomplishments over fostering authentic relationships.

Highlighting the Uniformity in Content: Impact on Creativity and Originality

A notable aspect of the platform's culture is content uniformity, with users frequently sharing similar motivational posts, career advice, and success stories. This uniformity can stifle creativity and originality, creating an echo chamber that discourages diverse perspectives and unique content creation.

The Role of Influencer Marketing and Its Influence on the Platform

The rise of influencer marketing on LinkedIn has contributed to the perpetuation of the platform's cringe-worthy reputation. Influencers often endorse products and services, blurring the line between authentic recommendations and promotional content. This trend has led to a saturation of sponsored posts that prioritize commercial interests over genuine engagement.

LinkedIn as a Breeding Ground for Self-Promotion: The Pros and Cons

While self-promotion can be a valuable tool for career advancement, an excessive focus on self-promotion can give rise to inauthentic behavior and insincere interactions. The pressure to consistently highlight achievements and milestones can lead to a competitive environment where the authentic sharing of struggles and failures is often overlooked.

The Impact of Excessive Self-Promotion on Professional Relationships

The prevalence of self-promotion on LinkedIn has created a dynamic where professional relationships are often transactional and surface-level. Genuine mentorship and meaningful connections take a backseat to the pursuit of personal gain, leading to a lack of trust and authenticity in professional interactions.

Criticisms and Controversies: Cases of Insincere Behavior and Faux Positivity

LinkedIn has faced criticisms and controversies due to instances of insincere behavior and the perpetuation of faux positivity. Instances of individuals fabricating success stories, exaggerating achievements, and engaging in disingenuous networking practices have sparked conversations about the lack of authenticity and transparency on the platform.

The Disconnect Between the Platform's Intended Purpose and Actual Usage

The evolution of LinkedIn from a networking platform to a hub for self-promotion highlights a significant disconnect between its original purpose and its current usage. While the platform continues to provide valuable resources for career development, its transformation into a space dominated by performative behaviors has led to a departure from its initial mission of fostering meaningful professional connections.

Addressing the Importance of Balance: Authenticity vs. Personal Branding

Achieving a balance between authenticity and personal branding is crucial to reclaiming the genuine spirit of LinkedIn. Encouraging users to share authentic experiences, challenges, and lessons learned can humanize the platform and foster more meaningful connections based on genuine experiences and shared values.


In conclusion, while LinkedIn remains a valuable platform for professional networking and career development, its transformation into a space characterized by performative behaviors and self-promotion has led to criticisms and a perceived lack of authenticity. Reclaiming the genuine spirit of LinkedIn involves encouraging a balance between personal branding and authenticity, fostering meaningful connections, and promoting diverse and original content.

Amidst the challenges faced by LinkedIn, a promising solution comes in the form of JustConnect, a revolutionary professional networking platform designed to address the shortcomings of traditional networking sites. JustConnect prioritizes authenticity, genuine interactions, and meaningful connections, offering a refreshing alternative to the often cringe-worthy culture prevalent on other platforms.

By incorporating innovative features that emphasize authentic storytelling, meaningful engagement, and a supportive community, JustConnect aims to create a space where professionals can showcase their achievements while fostering genuine connections based on shared values and experiences. Through its user-centric approach and commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity, JustConnect seeks to redefine the future of professional networking, providing a platform that empowers individuals to build meaningful relationships and advance their careers authentically.

With JustConnect, professionals can navigate a digital space that encourages them to share their genuine selves, showcase their professional accomplishments without the pressure of performative networking, and build authentic relationships that transcend transactional interactions. As JustConnect continues to shape the future of professional networking, it aspires to create a supportive ecosystem that fosters genuine connections, promotes original and diverse content, and cultivates an environment where authenticity is celebrated and valued.


1. Is it essential to showcase achievements on LinkedIn? Absolutely, but it's equally important to strike a balance between highlighting accomplishments and sharing genuine experiences that reflect your professional journey.

2. How can one avoid the trap of performative networking on LinkedIn? By prioritizing meaningful interactions, fostering genuine connections, and engaging in authentic conversations that go beyond superficial self-promotion.

3. What role does vulnerability play in creating an authentic LinkedIn profile? Vulnerability can humanize your professional journey, making you relatable and approachable to your connections. Sharing challenges and lessons learned can foster genuine engagement.

4. How can LinkedIn users contribute to a more diverse and inclusive platform? By actively supporting diverse voices, sharing a variety of perspectives, and promoting inclusivity in content creation and networking efforts.

5. What steps can LinkedIn take to foster authenticity on its platform? LinkedIn can prioritize promoting authentic storytelling, implementing guidelines to discourage inauthentic behavior, and highlighting genuine connections and success stories to inspire its user base.

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